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EDM 960 TwinIt is said that technology never stops – it keeps marching forward.

There was a time when the car dashboard had a speedometer, an amp meter, a fuel gauge and an mileage indicator. All these used to be pure analog displays. With time, analog displays were replaced with digital displays. The digital displays itself further improved. Today, it doesn't just display the quantity of fuel in the tank, it displays distance-to-empty. The humble mileage indicator is replaced with its digital version that also includes multiple individual trip mileage counters within the same display. The more sophisticated the car, the more sophisticated the dashboard and information available to the driver. But even the most unsophisticated car today, offers more accurate and far more information th ... Read more »

Category: Technology | Views: 176 | Added by: JPI | Date: 05.20.2016 | Comments (0)