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Electronic Data Management SystemsA modern day aircraft is full of strategically placed sensors that relay data in real-time to the cockpit. With the increase in the number of sensors as well as information being relayed to the cockpit, there is an overflow of information and from this, arose the need to quickly analyse, prioritise and display vital information in a manner that makes instant sense to the pilots. Thus the need for aircraft Electronic Data Management Systems (or EDM's for short).

Aircraft manufactured 30 years back had a few sensors that were mostly clustered around the engine(s). Now apart from sensors being placed in the usual locations i.e. the engines; there are sensors attached to the wheel lift, cargo door, sensors that read cargo bay pressure and passenger cabin pressure. Additionally, ... Read more »

Category: Technology | Views: 115 | Added by: JPI | Date: 06.20.2016 | Comments (0)